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Folders and Macro function list improvement
Hi Gintaras,

i wish you change the way the
The folder organisation is not, in *my* opinion, optimal solution.
A diferrent one, using explorer view would be better (image included), but if you don't do it, you should have your (good) reasons...

Anyway, a simpler and most important thing would be the ability to assign a folder a specific icon, and be able then
to assign the same icon to all its child (macros, function, others folders) etc.

I have some folders with more than 20 items in them, and it's tedious to do it one by one.

Possible to think about that? Or it is yet possible and did not find it?


Attached Files Image(s)
To add [+] boxes in the list, uncheck Options -> General -> List: expand single folder.

Not so tedious, 3 clicks for a macro.
What is tedious is to assign icon to each item in a folder manually, if
it conatins 20 items. Would like an option to assign the same
icon to all chils of top folder in one action (or show me if I missed it)
Macro QM item icon multi
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function [reset] ;;reset: 0 set selected icon, 1 reset icon

;Sets or resets icon of multiple macros.
;Open QM Icons dialog, select an icon and run this macro.
;Click each macro for which want to set the icon.
;To end this macro, click somewhere not in the list of macros.
;Recommended trigger: toolbar attached to the Icons dialog.

OnScreenDisplay "Click each macro in the list of macros in QM window.[]To end, click somewhere not in the list.[]Middle-click items to close." -1 0 0 "" 12 0x800000 1|4|8

int w=win("Icons" "#32770" _hwndqm 32)
if(!w) ret
spe 10
,wait 0 ML
,int c=child(mouse)
,if(!c or !childtest(c "" "" _hwndqm 0 "id=2202")) break
,act id(1050 w)
Toolbar QM Icons dialog
Trigger !a"Icons*" "#32770" "" "" "" 0x2 /QM     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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Set icon of macros... :mac "QM item icon multi"
Reset icon of macros... :mac "QM item icon multi" "" 1
Not as handy as a "Set icon for all childs" option, but much better than manually do each.
Will adapt it if spare time.

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