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Splash screen
Hello, I apologize for my bad english, I hope you will be able to understand me anyway.
I'm trying Quick Macros and are seriously interested in buying the license, I have a little problem though .... unlike other software, however, considerably more expensive, there are basic tasks difficult to integrate for me.

I would like to insert a simple image that must appear at startup macro, such as a splash screen to be clear

How can I do this?


How can I insert images in the form of dialogue?

Would welcome a precompiled function for inserting images in future versions ...

Thank you.

I simply want to show for 5 sec a splash screen image type contained in a specific directory, such as c :/ example /

0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 315 192 "Splash"
3 Static 0x54000C0E 0x20 0 0 362 192 ""
1 Button 0x54038001 0x0 0 164 316 29 "OK"
DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2030408 "" "" "" ""

str controls = "3"
str sb3
sb3 = "c:\Directory\image.jpg" ;;picture
if(!ShowDialog("My First Macro" 0 &controls)) ret
out sb3

instead of putting the OK button, it possible the window disappear by itself after number of seconds five?
easier with OnScreenDisplay

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OnScreenDisplay "" 5 0 0 "" 0 0 1|4|128 "spla" 0 0 "c:\example.png"

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