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Popup WebPage from web browser dialog steals focus
Hi Gintaras,
I have a web site running in the typical dialog web browser:
Copy      Help
;1001 ActiveX 0x54030080 0x0 0 42 648 428 "SHDocVw.WebBrowser"

Unfortunately some of the interactions with the website launches a web site that acts like a popup modal dialog i.e. it completely demands the focus. Any clicks on other buttons in the dialog or even on web elements in the main web browser results in just a "ding" sound.

Is there any way to alter the behavior of the popup. I don't know a lot about html so I don't know what the webpage feature is that makes it act modal. I won't be able to change the website of course but I was wondering if there is any QM magic that could make it possible to also interact with the dialog at the same time.

Simple things like Zorder have not worked.

I am able to hang a toolbar like dialog on the popup to allow some functions but ideally the main dialogs buttons would be still available.

Thanks for any thoughts,
EnableWindow hDlg 1
SetWindowLong hwndPopup GWL_HWNDPARENT 0 ;;then Zorder also should work
that works so well, I have tears in my eyes. Thanks!!!!

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