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Can someone help with using CSV files and Arrays?
I'm new to scripting and I'm hoping that someone here has done this before. I would appreciate the help and it would save me a LOT of time going in circles and ending up with a mess.

I'm trying to creating a macro to open a web page that has text boxes on it and fill the multiple boxes out using information from a CSV file. It's for a company I'm working for. They want to create a bunch of accounts on a web site and would like to do it quickly with a CSV file from HR with all the employees information in it. I know there will be some sort of capchia but I can manually put that in each time. It's better than typing All of the info each time.

Anyone got time to help me get started?

Thanks for any help!
Macro fill web form from CSV
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;create CSV string for testing
str csv=
;A1, B1, C1
;A2, B2, C2
;A3, B3, C3

;load the CSV into a variable
ICsv x._create
x.FromString(csv) ;;replace to FromFile("c:\...\your CSV file.csv")

;open the web page
run "iexplore" ""
mes- "please wait until Internet Explorer opens Google advanced search page. This macro uses it as an example of a web form with multiple edit boxes" "" "OCi"

;get IE window handle
int w=wait(3 WV win("" "IEFrame"))

;repeat for each row in CSV
int i n=x.RowCount
for i 0 n
,;find first edit box in web page
,Htm e=htm("INPUT" "as_q" "" w "0" 0 0x221 3) ;;to create this code, use dialog 'Find HTML element'
,;set its text from CSV first column
,e.SetText(x.Cell(i 0))
,;do the same with other edit boxes and CSV columns
,e=htm("INPUT" "as_epq" "" w "0" 1 0x221 3)
,e.SetText(x.Cell(i 1))
,e=htm("INPUT" "as_oq" "" w "0" 2 0x221 3)
,e.SetText(x.Cell(i 2))
,;find and click a Submit button
,e=htm("INPUT" "submit" "" w "0" 14 0x521 3)
,;now you can open another such form, and the macro will fill the edit boxes with next CSV row
,if(i<n-1) mes- "click OK when ready to repeat with next CSV row" "" "OCi"
,else mes "Done" "" "Oi"
Thank you for the help! I think I'm getting it! I used to program VB a few years back but this is totally different of course.

Got a couple more questions if you don't mind.

When I set the str csv= value, what do you mean by ;A1,B1,C1 etc.... Do I have to set a variable for every cell in the cvs file? That will be a LOT. Each file is probably about 14 columns X 40 rows or more.

What could I use in the line below to be able to choose the csv file instead of hard coding it?
x.FromString(csv) ;;replace to FromFile("c:\...\your CSV file.csv")
A1,A2 etc is an example CSV string, not variables. Remove that code, it is just for testing. To choose file, use function OpenSaveDialog.
This little project has went great, thanks to your help. I really appreciate it. I've ran into one small problem, I hope. One of the fields on the form will not take the "SetText" function. It has an example in it, it's light grey in color, and when I set the text with the macro it stays light grey and doesn't turn into regular text as when it's typed. I cannot "paste" a value into this field either. Is there a way around it without typing it in each time?
I've tried to "SetFocus" before putting using the "SetText" function and it didn't work. I even went to the previous field and after filling it out sent a keyboard "Tab" to that field and it wouldn't take it. Seem to be field that they didn't want a macro or paste command to fill it out but I really need to put that value in from the csv file.

This little project has went great, thanks to your help. I really appreciate it. I've ran into one small problem, I hope. One of the fields on the form will not take the "SetText" function. It has an example in it, it's light grey in color, and when I set the text with the macro it stays light grey and doesn't turn into regular text as when it's typed. I cannot "paste" a value into this field either. Is there a way around it without typing it in each time?
I've tried to "SetFocus" before putting using the "SetText" function and it didn't work. I even went to the previous field and after filling it out sent a keyboard "Tab" to that field and it wouldn't take it. Seem to be field that they didn't want a macro or paste command to fill it out but I really need to put that value in from the csv file.

_s=x.Cell(i 2)
key (_s)
The e.Mouse(1) didn't do it but e.Click with the rest of the code did!

Thank you!

Now, you don't know how to read a CAPTCHA do you? :-)
don't know
Gintaras - A Sincere THANK YOU! I appreciate the help. You save me so much time.

Depends on how hard the captchas are. There are various services (pay as you go) and software (pay once) that you can use. You'd have to write a function to identify, capture, and send the captcha to the captcha solving service.

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