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How to prevent my Desktop form being shut down?
My environment is Windows 8.1 and I make wide use of this macro for quickly closing any window by clicking one of my mouse buttons dedicated to it:
clo win(mouse)
But, if my mouse pointer is over an empty area of my Desktop, the result is that all my Desktop icons disappear and I find no way to restore them, neither "ArrangeWindows 1", nor "key Wm", so that at present my only solution is to restart Windows. I need a solution to
- prevent this macro from applying to the Deskop
- how to restore my Desktop icons without restarting Windows.
Function IsShellWindow
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function# hwnd

;Returns nonzero if window is a shell process window, eg desktop or taskbar.
;Returns 1 if it is desktop or belongs to the same thread as desktop (usually it is desktop).
;Returns 2 if belongs to the same process as desktop and has no caption with 'Close' button. Eg taskbar, or Windows 8 "Start" screen.
;Returns -1 if belongs to the same process as desktop and has caption with 'Close' button. Eg a folder window, when not using option 'Launch folder windows in a separate process'.
;Else returns 0.

;hwnd - a window handle.

;;close window from mouse, if it is not desktop, taskbar or other shell window
;int w=win(mouse)
;if(IsShellWindow(w)<1) clo w; err

int tid1 tid2 pid1 pid2 sw=GetShellWindow
tid1=GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd &pid1)
tid2=GetWindowThreadProcessId(sw &pid2)
if pid1=pid2
,if(tid1=tid2) ret 1
,ret 2
Wonderful! Thank you.

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