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Double click trigger on desktop
I wonder whether there exists a double click trigger when hit area is computer desktop. Any advice will be much appreciated.

Many thanks in advance.
In the meantime I worked out the following method, which it works :

Function with trigger : ##L 0x1 //FF_Desktop

where :

Function FF_Desktop
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function# iid FILTER&f
if(!wintest(f.hwnd "" "Progman")); ret

Acc a=acc(mouse)

if(a.a and acctest(a "Desktop" "LIST" 0 "" "" 0)) ret iid

Any comments are mostly welcome.
Function FF_double_click_desktop
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function# iid FILTER&f

if(f.hwnd2 and GetWindowThreadProcessId(f.hwnd2 0)=GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetShellWindow 0)) ret iid

ret -2

Avoid acc in filter functions.
Many thanks indeed for a very useful instruction.
Dear Gintaras,

My intention was to exclude this trigger when clicking on a desktop shortcut icon. That's why I used the acctest test. It actually worked.

Could you please advise on the way I could include this exemption in the code you suggested?

Many thanks in advance.
Function FF_double_click_desktop
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function# iid FILTER&f

if f.hwnd2 and GetWindowThreadProcessId(f.hwnd2 0)=GetWindowThreadProcessId(GetShellWindow 0)
,Acc a=acc(f.x f.y)
,if(a.a and a.Role=ROLE_SYSTEM_LIST) ret iid

ret -2

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