Wheel event frequency cannot be accelerated, but your macro can do what it does at bigger steps. If need to measure time from previous run, use a global int variable and function timeGetTime, it returns milliseconds since Windows started.
Quote:What do you mean "measure time from a previous run"?
If you want to make bigger steps when the time interval between wheel ticks is smaller, you can measure this interval. Get time with function timeGetTime and subtract previous time.
Quote:And, is it possible to have bigger steps when pressing down the middle button and scrolling?
int+ g_time445877
int t=timeGetTime
int diff=t-g_time445877+1; g_time445877=t
int steps=1000/diff+1
out F"diff={diff}, steps={steps}"
key (VK_VOLUME_UP)(#steps)
07-29-2018, 07:34 PM (This post was last modified: 07-29-2018, 07:36 PM by Gintaras.)
Adjust sensitivity. Probably 1000 is too much.
Set key autodelay = 0.
Optionally: In macro properties select "run simultaneously" or convert to function.
Move common code to a function.
int+ g_time445877 int t=timeGetTime int diff=t-g_time445877+1; g_time445877=t int steps=100/diff+1 ;out F"diff={diff}, steps={steps}" spe0 int vk=iif(up VK_VOLUME_UPVK_VOLUME_DOWN) key(vk)(#steps)
Oh, I know what's going on... the macros weren't triggering, so I thought I needed to add some trigger in. Turns out, my mouse is just malfunctioning on that PC. Only that PC, works fine on everything else. Has to be something to do with QuickMacros, but I'm not going to worry about it. That's just my test PC, belongs to a friend. Setting everything up on my PC.
Very last question, what language are the macros coded in? Hopefully I can learn a little, instead of asking for help every time I need something.
Quick Macros scripting language. All reference is in Quick Macros help file. Don't learn too much because this language will be replaced with C# in next major version.
07-30-2018, 09:14 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2018, 09:55 PM by arig.)
Ok, having some issues again. Just a weird little bug I think, but maybe you have some idea of what happening.
If I execute a (volume related) macro using FF_Mouse2 as the trigger, the normal Windows popup appears showing what song is playing, the volume, and options to play/pause, skip track, or go to the previous track. But, while the popup is showing, an action on FF_Mouse1 will run a FF_Mouse2 specific macro.
Example: Left click on FF_Mouse2 is play/pause. I'll left click, and the popup appears. Then, if I were to left click with FF_Mouse1, it'll run the play/pause macro.
Trying a different mouse and swapping FF_Mouse1 and FF_Mouse2.
I think it's fixed... I had low level hooks disabled before, and it wasn't working. Then, I reinstalled Quick Macros and it still wasn't working. Forgot to disable low level hooks again, and now it just works. I think I was just overloading it before, I can't try to use both at the same time.
I guess I just need to pause for a second. Not ideal, but at least it works. I won't worry about it, unless you think it might be something fixable.
Never mind, it's still happening. Almost worse than before.
It's some weird conflict with Keyboard Detector and my trackpad. My main external mouse isn't impacted. Maybe because I registered my trackpad as FF_Mouse1 at some point? Whatever, no worries. The media control mouse is meant to go with my desktop anyway.
to get better help please show all your code your currently using
the last picture you posted was entirely to small and unreadable.
Tip Q. How to post QM code to the forum?
A. In QM, to copy all or selected text, use menu Edit -> Other Formats -> Copy for QM Forum. It copies correct and colored code to the clipboard. Then simply paste in the forum. Don't use the Code button.
or you can put all relevant functions/macros in a folder then right click on the folder and select export folder and save on your pc then upload as an attachment.
or you can try this http://www.quickmacros.com/forum/showthr...7#pid12617
Yeah, I should've just had all my code here to start. Sorry about that.
Only a couple more things to work out:
- In some full screen applications, the macro mouse will resume normal mouse function. Is there any way to fix that?
- When double right clicking, the track skips forward first, and then back. I need some code that waits to see if the right button is clicked twice before skipping forward. Been reading up on QM language for the past 2 hours, and I have no clue how to do this...
Basically something like this, in proper QM code:
if right button clicked
wait 0.5 sec to see if right button clicked a second time
if not skip song
if yes previous song
Quote:In some full screen applications, the macro mouse will resume normal mouse function. Is there any way to fix that?
It is because in some windows don't work non-low-level hooks. But with low-level hooks does not work the keyboard/mouse detector (the FF_MouseX filter functions). Impossible to fix it.
Quote:It is because in some windows don't work non-low-level hooks. But with low-level hooks does not work the keyboard/mouse detector (the FF_MouseX filter functions). Impossible to fix it.
Oh, ok. No worries.
Quote:wait0.5 MR;errint singleClick=1 out singleClick
How do I add in the skip track into that? I've tried a few things, and haven't had any success. I also saw your previous message before you deleted it, and tried that for a while too, just out of curiosity.