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changing #s in window.
I got this number in a window. "123" or "1563". never the same.

so I basically need a macro that looks for a change in text.

I need a function that will perform an action, like shutdown macro, when that number changes to, like "1423"
thanks for your input.
can you give us more info on the window?
  • create a new macro
    click on the "windows/controls/menus" icon on the floating qm toolbar
    then click "window actions".
    on the right side you'll see "drag" with an aiming reticle under it. drag that onto the top of the window
    click ok
    send that info to us
Acc a=acc("53,091" "STATICTEXT" "My stuff" "Static" "" 0x1001)
what program is opening this? is this a text document? usually the window tittle changes with the file name.
Remove the text

Acc a
a=acc("" "STATICTEXT" "My stuff" "Static" "" 0x1001)

If then finds other object, try to use coordinates, or id (select id=... item in Find Accessible Object dialog, Class dropdown).

Then get text into a variable. Then repeatedly get text into another variable and compare. Break the loop when differs.

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Acc a
a=acc("" "STATICTEXT" "My stuff" "Static" "" 0x1001)
str s1 s2
;wait by repeatedly checking name
,if(s2~s1) break ;;stop when different

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