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How to get the account and password of the currently used wireless network
I want to get the account and password of the currently used wireless network, and then save it to a variable in the QM code.

I found the VBS code, After running the VBS code, a txt file will be generated with the password of the wireless network. but I don't know how to save it to the variables of the QM code. I hope someone can provide some suggestions, or a simpler implementation method. Thanks in advance. Smile

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'//            ε013 V 2.0 (Classic)
'//          Jordan Dalcq - 0v3rl0w

Function GetOutput(command)
 Set Shell = Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
 Set cmd = Shell.Exec("cmd /c  " & command)
 strOut = ""

 Do While Not cmd.StdOut.AtEndOfStream
   strOut = strOut & cmd.StdOut.ReadLine() & "\n"
End Function

Function saveIt(wifi, passwd)
 wifi = Replace(Replace(wifi, ">", "-"), "<", "-")
 Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 Set objFile=objFSO.CreateTextFile(wifi & ".txt")
End Function

strText=Split(GetOutput("netsh wlan show profile"), "\n")

i = 0

For Each x in strText
    If i > 8 And i < Ubound(strText)-1 Then
        Name = Split(x, ": ")(1)
        str=Split(GetOutput("netsh wlan show profile """ & Name & """ key=clear"), "\n")(32)
        passwd = Split(str, ": ")
        If Ubound(passwd) Then
            saveIt Name, passwd(1)
        End If
    End If
    i = i + 1
this should do it for ya

Function GetSSIDandPassword
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str wlpassword wlname cl="cmd.exe /C NETSH WLAN SHOW INTERFACE | findstr /r ''^....SSID''"
RunConsole2 cl wlname
wlname.replacerx("SSID                   :" "")
out wlname
cl=F"cmd.exe /C netsh wlan show profile name={wlname} key=clear | findstr Key"
RunConsole2 cl wlpassword
wlpassword.replacerx("Key Content            :" "")
out wlpassword
Did not get the password after running

I am using the Chinese version of the system windows7

Can it run on all languages?   Huh

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test output then show here then can sort it

run this

Function Get_SSIDandPassword
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str wlpassword wlname cl="cmd.exe /C NETSH WLAN SHOW INTERFACE | findstr /r ''^....SSID''"
RunConsole2 cl wlname
wlname.replacerx("SSID                   :" "")
out wlname
cl=F"cmd.exe /C netsh wlan show profile name={wlname} key=clear | findstr Key"
RunConsole2 cl wlpassword
;wlpassword.replacerx("Key Content            :" "")
out wlpassword

and see what output is  for wlpassword
try this change code a little to find whatever is after the :

Function Get_SSIDandPassword
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str wlpassword wlname cl="cmd.exe /C NETSH WLAN SHOW INTERFACE | findstr /r ''^....SSID''"
RunConsole2 cl wlname
findrx(wlname "^.+\:(.+)$" 0 1 _s 1)
out wlname
cl=F"cmd.exe /C netsh wlan show profile name={wlname} key=clear | findstr Key"
RunConsole2 cl wlpassword
findrx(wlpassword "^.+\:(.+)$" 0 1 _s 1)
out wlpassword
Still not getting the password
error again or empty text?
let me know which

if empty text need to run function as admin probably
No error, it is empty text, I generate exe file, run with administrator, also empty
do this 

select function name from list on left in qm window

press ctrl+p
 then select the following options


click ok

also run command prompt as admin and use this code

netsh wlan show profile name=YourWifiName key=clear

change YourWifiName to your SSID Name then paste into cmd window and look under security settings for wifi password
Here are the demo steps and cmd content

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.zip   cmd (Size: 689 bytes / Downloads: 336)
also run command prompt as admin and use this code

netsh wlan show profile name=YourWifiName key=clear

change YourWifiName to your SSID Name then paste into cmd window and look under security settings for wifi password

maybe this cant test

Function Get_SSIDandPassword
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str wlpassword wlname cl="cmd.exe /C NETSH WLAN SHOW INTERFACE | findstr /r ''^....SSID''"
RunConsole2 cl wlname
findrx(wlname "^.+\:(.+)$" 0 1 _s 1)
out wlname
cl=F"cmd.exe /C netsh wlan show profile name=''{wlname}'' key=clear | findstr 关键内容"
RunConsole2 cl wlpassword
;out wlpassword;; uncomment this line if findrx line below errors or text is empty to see what ouput is
findrx(wlpassword "^.+\:(.+)$" 0 1 _s 1)
out wlpassword
Running the code is successful, Heart is it OK on the English operating system?

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