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How to run 2 Macros at once
I have written 2 different Macros that I would like to run at the same time. Or perhaps I could get both to combine into 1 Macro.

One Macro when I run it sits and waits for a particular window to pop up. When it detects the pop up window it moves the Cursor to it and it left clicks on OK.

After it clicks OK it goes and clicks on 2 other buttons on the Main Screen then it starts over waiting for the next time the other window pops up.

The second Macro when it runs it waits for a particular window to change color then it runs and goes and clicks on a couple buttons.

Can it be combined into 1 Macro that will sit there and run waiting for either of 2 different things to trigger just its part of the Macro.

Thanks much

Captain Hook
you have a couple of  options

select your macro from the list

then click properties button on qm(ctrl+p)

then choose one of the following options below

#1 change macro properties
to  run simultaneously under  if a macro is running


#2 convert both macros to functions


read more here

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