06-15-2022, 04:45 PM
Sample code:
Regardless of what element has focus (if I click in one of the text boxes), I get inconsistent results with how long the tooltip displays. Sometimes I get the normal 5000ms display time. Most of the time it flashes for a moment. Not even long enough to read. Any ideas? I tried using the ToolTipService to set the show duration globally to Int32.MaxValue as someone suggested on stack overflow. Also tried setting it to just 5000. Same behavior.
C# code:
var b = new wpfBuilder("Window");
b.R.Add<Label>("PTP Domain").AlignContent(HorizontalAlignment.Right);
b.Add<TextBox>(out TextBox ptpDomain).AlignContent(HorizontalAlignment.Left).Tooltip("Integer between 0 and 127");
b.R.Add<Label>("Delay Request").AlignContent(HorizontalAlignment.Right);
b.Add<ComboBox>(out ComboBox ptpDelayReq).Items("Multicast|Unicast");
b.R.Add<Label>("Control Multicast Address
b.Add<TextBox>(out TextBox controlMC).Tooltip("Control MC").Tooltip("Port must 49999");
if (!b.ShowDialog()) return;
Regardless of what element has focus (if I click in one of the text boxes), I get inconsistent results with how long the tooltip displays. Sometimes I get the normal 5000ms display time. Most of the time it flashes for a moment. Not even long enough to read. Any ideas? I tried using the ToolTipService to set the show duration globally to Int32.MaxValue as someone suggested on stack overflow. Also tried setting it to just 5000. Same behavior.