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scan "window can be in background" doesn't seem to be working in windows 11
Hi Guys,
i am a newbie to use quickmacros and trying to use the scan image function with  "window can be in background" option checked but it doesn't seem to be working in Windows 11 (It is working fine without any issue in window 8.1 and window server 2012).

Is there any workaround solution or setting i need to change in window like enabling aero, etc to make it working in Windows 11? Please kindly help, thanks in advance.

Maybe now different display scaling than on Win8.1. Look in Settings -> System -> Display -> Scale.

Try to capture the same image again. Open dialog "Find image" check [Window can be in background], capture, click [Test]. If does not find, click [View pixels]. It should show the captured image, or just black color if failed.

If fails, QM will not find the image with the background option. This program probably can find if in the "Find image" dialog is selected Window pixels PrintWindow.
Thanks, I have tried the way you suggested but it is still showing the same issue.

What I am actually using is only the browser edge or chrome. The only way to make it work in windows 11 is to right click the exe file and select the compatibility mode to windows 8 but unfortunately the setting will be automatically reverted back by system in two minutes. I am not too sure why.
QM can't find images in Chrome and Edge with the "background" option.

The new program finds it.

C# code:
// script ""
var w = wnd.find(1, "*- Google Chrome", "Chrome_WidgetWin_1");
string image = @"image:";
var im = uiimage.find(1, w, image, IFFlags.PrintWindow);

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