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Encrypt/decrypt QM item files or folders

Sometimes I need to encrypt/decrypt a lot of QM item files and folders, it's a bit cumbersome to manually manipulate the options in the image below, is there a related function that can do the same?
[Image: 1676364693]
Thanks in advance for any advice and help
there is this function to automate encrypt decrypt
Function EncryptDecryptMacro
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function encrypt ~password [$macro]

;Automates encrypting or decrypting a macro or other QM item.

;encrypt - 1 to encrypt, 0 to decrypt.
;password - password.
;macro - name of the macro. If "" or omitted - macro that is currently open.

;EncryptDecryptMacro 1 "password" ;;encrypt current macro
;EncryptDecryptMacro 0 "password" ;;decrypt current macro
;EncryptDecryptMacro 1 "password" "Dialog33" ;;encrypt Dialog33

int w1=act(win("" "QM_Editor")) ;;activate QM
,int currentmacro=qmitem
,mac+ macro ;;open the macro, if specified
int w2=win("Options" "#32770" "qm") ;;is Options already open?
if(w2) ;;yes, remember that
,int optionsopen=1
else ;;no, open it
,men 2007 w1 ;;Options ...
,w2=wait(5 win("Options" "#32770" "qm"))
SelectTab id(12320 w2) 4 ;;select Security tab
password.setwintext(id(1051 w2)); password.setwintext(id(1053 w2)) ;;enter password
but iif(encrypt 1106 1107) w2 ;;click Encrypt or Decrypt button
if(!optionsopen) but 2 w2; wait 10 -WC w2 ;;close
if(currentmacro) mac+ currentmacro ;;open current macro again

err+ end _error
the window blinks during execution, can the options dialog box not be displayed? (Or display in the background or virtual window?)
No this is the only way have to automate options dialog window
worked well, thank you so much

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