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wnd properties refreshing automatically - How ?
Hi !

Quite new to LA and C#, i observed in the debugger that the properties (XY/width/Height...) of a wnd variable automatically refresh between each line of code.

Example : While step-by-step debugging, if i move or resize the window, i see the properties of the wnd variable automatically refreshing and getting the new values

Question : How is that possible? Can you give me info or Links about this "refresh mechanism" so i can apply this to my own objects ? 

Sorry if it looks like a noob question,
Thanks in advance Smile
Properties are functions. When your code or debugger uses a property, it actually calls a function that gets the current value.
Hi !

Thanks for the answer, i understood my mistake : If forgot to add some code in the "get/set" values of the properties of my class, i always left it blank : {get;set;}

I now understand that each time a property is checked/Called, it runs the code set in the Get/Set of the property Smile

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