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Close osdText window
For some reason, I need to close the osdText window when a certain window is not visible. The following code will prompt an error when executed. Why?

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script.setup(trayIcon: true, sleepExit: true);

var w = wnd.find(1, "LibreAutomate", "HwndWrapper[Au.Editor;*");

int _M = 0; //Line18 ERR
//int _M = 1; //Line18 OK

osdText osd = null;
if (_M == 1)

    osd = osdText.showText("hello", -1);

wait.until(3, () => !w.IsVisible); 

if (osd != null) osd.Close(); osd.Dispose();
osd.Dispose called with osd null.

You can run the script with debugger. It stops on exception at osd.Dispose, and in the Variables panel you can see osd=null.

Don't need Dispose here, because osd.Close just calls Dispose. You can press F12 and to see the source code.
thank you!

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