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Using the "-" symbol as a marker in /*/....../*/
Here’s an interesting idea of mine Wink :

Sometimes, for various reasons, I don’t want to reference (or temporarily disable) a certain class file or DLL file. Adding or removing these paths can be inconvenient.
It would be much easier if we could achieve this by adding a "-" symbol before the r or c or nuget marker. For example:
/*/ -nuget spire\spire.doc; -r %dll%\spire\Spire.Doc.dll; -c PowerShellEx.cs; /*/

if `role exeProgram` is changed to `-role exeProgram`, the role would automatically switch to `miniProgram`.
/*/ -role exeProgram; /*/
Good idea. I'll add this feature probably. If -r or //r, will ignore this option, like a comment.

Currently, when need it, I clone the line, edit, and then swap lines. LA uses only the first line.
/*/ options 1 /*/
/*/ options 2 /*/

/*/ options 2 /*/
/*/ options 1 /*/
thank you, 

/*/ -postBuild postBuild_addNetRT; -preBuild preBuild_addNetRT;/*/
Could also add the parameters described below to enable/disable the file? This is very useful in many cases and works the same way as QM operations.
/*/ -disabled; /*/
/*/ disabled; /*/
Supports adding comments using
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in multiple lines

-role exeProgram; //comment role
-postBuild postBuild_addNetRT; //comment postBuild
-outputPath %folders.Workspace%\exe\PowerShellEx_T1; //comment outputPath
-nuget spire\spire.doc; //comment nuget
-r %dll%\spire.Doc.dll // comment dll
-c PowerShellEx.cs; // comment class file

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