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about the code editor
After using it for a while, I have the following thoughts:

1. When I move the mouse pointer to the top right corner of the code editor, it shows the last time the code was edited. This can be useful in certain situations, as shown in the image below.

2. The code editing should have a lock option. Sometimes I might accidentally modify some parts of the text, so this feature should be available.

3. The list of function parameters can be displayed vertically. I believe vertical display would be more effective, as shown in the image below.

4. Add a context menu item in the output pane that, when selected, displays the duration of the last code execution after it completes. This can be useful in certain situations (LINQPad includes a similar feature).
----------------used 2.134 secends

5. Block comment markers should be placed on new lines before and after the block. The recommended implementation: Press Shift + click the comment button, or use the hotkey Ctrl + Shift + /.
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
LA follows the code editing and execution experience of Visual Studio. VS does not have these features (or I don't know), and I don't think they would be really useful to most coders.

5. You can create a snippet.
Name: /**/Surround
Regarding #1, I have a thought:

Is it possible to add the last modified time at the beginning of the code shared on the forum?

Sometimes, I see this as a learning opportunity, where I can understand the principles of feature addition by comparing the code.
With this timestamp version, I can clearly see whether the code has been updated.

//ver: 2024_0815_1318

 e.g code:
Copy      Help
// script "HTTP server plus.cs"
/*/ role exeProgram; /*/ //.

script.setup(trayIcon: true, sleepExit: true);

//ver: 2024_0815_1318

string frpc = folders.ThisApp + @"\frpc.exe";;
string cl = "-c frpc.toml";

Quote: I don't think they would be really useful to most coders.

Regarding the other features, I have mostly implemented them using QM.  
You're right, everyone has different operating habits; I prefer using LP for certain details.

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