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Too much RAM....
I want to ask about the RAM that uses QM. I have searched about "memory" and "RAM", but I haven't found anything.
The problem is that QM stops to run a macro, and the problem I think is the amount of RAM that needs this app.
It "eats" up to 250MB (I have seen so much RAM, but I don't discard that sometimes can need more RAM) and my question is: Is it normal???? Or it's is just a bad program?

If the problem is the second case, the code, I'll explain a bit the runtime:
It's a "for" sentence that repeats the code 5000 times.
Each time, loads a page, checks if the page is the correct, copy the content to clipboard (Ctrl+C), and paste it into a file (_s.getclip; _s.setfile)

In fact, the "for" sentence repeats between 1500 and 2000 times, before the macro crashes..

I hope you can help me... and understand me. Sorry for my bad English.

It isn't normal. Please post whole macro or macros that boost memory usage.
It's the macro.

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Acc accion
Htm OI
str filedate="20060920"

str valueA = "1"
str valueB = "1"
str filename
int Counter=val(valueB)
Counter = Counter - 1

LogIn ;; Call a macro to log into the web.
;;;A bit explanation of the macro: Close all "Internet explorer", loads the web in a new internet explorer window and do login

OI=htm("A" "---" "" win(" Internet Explorer" "IEFrame") "1/1" 9 0x21 180)
,goto error
;;;if whe can find this item, the web is reloaded.

OI=htm("TD" "---" "" win(" Internet Explorer" "IEFrame") "1/2" 11 0x1 180)
if(!OI) goto error
;;;the same

;;;The filename depends of the valueA. Each valueA, requires a new file
filename = "C:\txts\"
filename + filedate
filename + " - N"
filename + valueA
filename + ".txt"

;;;Now begin the loop process

;;;Setting the current values, and load the web
OI=htm("INPUT" "---" "" win(" Internet Explorer" "IEFrame") "1/2" 4 0x221 180)
OI=htm("INPUT" "---" "" win(" Internet Explorer" "IEFrame") "1/2" 7 0x221 180)
OI=htm("INPUT" "---" "" win(" Internet Explorer" "IEFrame") "1/2" 9 0x421 180)
;;;End of settings

_s + valueA
_s + "/"
_s + valueB

OI=htm("TD" _s "" win(" Internet Explorer" "IEFrame") "1/2" 11 0x21 180)
,goto SolicitudNoTerminada
;;;if the web is not loaded in 180s, whe redone all the process....



key CeCc
;;;Sometimes I have received an error when copying the data into the clipboard.
;;;For this reason, I needed to put this loop.

_s.setfile(filename -1 -1 1) ;; Insert data into file
if (val(valueB) > 1000)
,valueB = "1"
,valueA = val(valueA)+1
,filename = "C:\txts\"
,filename + filedate
,filename + " - N"
,filename + valueA
,filename + ".txt"
,if (val(valueA) > 5)
,,goto END
,goto error ;; This was a new try to correct the problem, loading the web again, without any result
goto Scanning

run "D:\WINNT\system32\net.exe" "send Fin de la macro" "" "" 16
;;;Send a message to other computer in the LAN, when all is done.
Where is "for"? Is it Scanning ... goto Scanning?

Also, the code is distorted. Don't use Quote. Just copy using menu Edit -> Other Formats -> Copy BBCode and simply paste here.
What does key Ce? On my computer it shows or hides Search pane.
Yes. The loop is the Scanning... goto Scanning.

And about de Ce, means Control+E (select all). I can't use the implicit function in QM, because the results aren't as I expected (joins the content of the cells).

I have corrected the code below. I doesn't know this function on QM :oops: Sorry! Tongue
Does memory usage drops when macro ends?
I have tested it now.
The memory remains used until I rerun the same macro (if it's another different macro, the memory isn't freed
Memory leaks in htm while waiting. I'll try to fix this, if possible.

Avoid using htm with wait time. Instead use wait.

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wait 180 "window name" ;;or wait 180 I
OI=htm("TD" _s "" win(" Internet Explorer" "IEFrame") "1/2" 11 0x21)

Another problem - iexplore.exe memory usage also grows, and almost 2 times faster than qm.exe. It also grows if using only keyboard and mouse. If it is problem, restart IE every n times.

I could not test with your macro because it needs particular web page, etc. Instead I used this code:

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rep() clo "Internet Explorer"; err break
web "" 9
int ie=win("Microsoft Internet Explorer")

Htm el

int i
for i 0 5000
,el=htm("INPUT" "as_q" "" ie 0 0 0x221 30)
,el=htm("INPUT" "as_epq" "" ie 0 3 0x221)
,el=htm("INPUT" "as_oq" "" ie 0 4 0x221)
,el=htm("INPUT" "as_eq" "" ie 0 5 0x221)
,el=htm("INPUT" "Google Search" "" ie 0 2 0x421)
,el=htm("A" "Advanced Search" "" ie 0 13 0x21 30)
,out i

While it runs, QM memory usage grows. Adds about 15 MB after 500 times. But this code does not add memory:

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rep() clo "Internet Explorer"; err break
web "" 9
int ie=win("Microsoft Internet Explorer")

Htm el

int i
for i 0 5000
,el=htm("INPUT" "as_q" "" ie 0 0 0x221)
,el=htm("INPUT" "as_epq" "" ie 0 3 0x221)
,el=htm("INPUT" "as_oq" "" ie 0 4 0x221)
,el=htm("INPUT" "as_eq" "" ie 0 5 0x221)
,el=htm("INPUT" "Google Search" "" ie 0 2 0x421)
,wait 0 "egu"
,el=htm("A" "Advanced Search" "" ie 0 13 0x21)
,wait 0 "Google Advanced Search"
,out i
Oks. Thanks for your help. Now I will try something....

Your help was very useful, but I can't do the "wait", because the loop will need the double time (from 5 or 6 hours to.... more of 10 or so :? (the web where I apply the code is very bad.

When I try what I have thinked, I post it.

EDITED: It's too late. I'll try it tomorrow. Bye!

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