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do you know a free lib or a way to do that with qm using existing libs ?
i would like to extract a few frames for a preview picture.
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In MSDN library I found AVIStreamGetFrame, but I am not familiar with AVI functions and cannot give an example.
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i found a commercial ocx ...
what does a minus mean when returning a handle ?
typelib VIDEOEDITLib {F2BD1C8B-41F5-4842-AC48-3B94E1F85FCE} 1.0
VIDEOEDITLib.VideoEdit a._create
str v="D:\filme\Everybody.Hates.Chris.S01E01.mpg"
int d=a.GetFileDuration(v)
int fr=a.GetFileFrameRate(v)
int allframes=fr*d
int step= d/12
str outfile
;out a.GetFileFrameRate(v)
;a.GetFrameBySize( v 6 "c:\newbitmap.bmp" 240 180)
;out step
_i=step;int i
ARRAY(int) hbitmap.create(12)
rep 3
,hbitmap[i] = a.GetFrameBySize2HBitmap(v _i 240 180)
,;outfile.format("c:\test_%i.bmp" _i)
,;a.GetFrameBySize(v _i outfile 240 180)
out hbitmap[0]
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Nothing, except if it is -1. Handles can be positive or negative numbers. 0 or -1 usually is invalid handle.
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so getting '-1660612617' is nothing to worry about ?
its only an example (pressing run again and again for output - sometimes minus other times not, but ever a value)
do you have an example on how to build one picture from mutliple sources by
using GflAx DLL ?
i try to build a preview picture of my captured frames.
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Quote:so getting '-1660612617' is nothing to worry about
Don't worry.
Quote:do you have an example on how to build one picture from mutliple sources by
using GflAx DLL
No. I would try to use NewBitmap and DrawImage methods.
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sorry to bother again, but how do i pass my hbitmap[i] (videoframe)
to GflAx ?
you used
stdole.IPicture p=g.GetPicture in another example, but that was for icons.
please give me a one handle example.
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It should be easy without GflAx. CreateCompatibleBitmap, GetDC, BitBlt, SaveBitmap, etc. You should find examples with these functions somewher in forum and in QM. Maybe I'll post example later.
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oh yes, please teach me.
some things in mdsn and qm are not easy to understand unless you get the main concept.
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ARRAY(int) ab.create(2)
ab[0]=LoadPictureFile("$my qm$\Macro341.bmp" 0)
ab[1]=LoadPictureFile("$my qm$\Macro341 (2).bmp" 0)
int width(20) height(20)
;source dc
int dcs=CreateCompatibleDC(0)
;dest bitmap and dc
int dc0=GetDC(0)
int bm=CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc0 width*ab.len height)
ReleaseDC(0 dc0)
int dc=CreateCompatibleDC(0)
int oldbm=SelectObject(dc bm)
int i
for i 0 ab.len
,int oldbms=SelectObject(dcs ab[i])
,BitBlt(dc i*width 0 width height dcs 0 0 SRCCOPY)
,SelectObject(dcs oldbms)
SelectObject(dc oldbm)
for(i 0 ab.len) DeleteObject(ab[i])
SaveBitmap(bm "$desktop$\test.bmp")
run "$desktop$\test.bmp"