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Outlook Preview pane pain
I've got a macro that does this really nice process of grabbing the contents of an email while in the preview in Outlook. it does a findrx and loads up an Array with the values from the str var that the "get value" retrieves from the message except for this. the email is almost exactly 2 pages long and the code below only gets one page of the email. is there anyway i can make it get the entire email value regardless of how long it is?

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Acc a=acc("" "TEXT" win("Inbox - Microsoft Outlook" "rctrl_renwnd32") "id=4100 RichEdit20WPT" "" 0x1804 0x40 0x20000040)
str value=a.Value
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
Max text length that can be retrieved from an accessible object is 4095 characters. It is Windows limitation. Use str.getwintext if possible.

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Acc a=acc("" "TEXT" win("Document - WordPad" "WordPadClass") "RICHEDIT50W" "" 0x1800 0x0 0x20000040)
str s=a.Value
out s.len ;;4095
int hwnd=child(a)
out s.len ;;14339
works great!!!
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
Awesome, I had the same problem and this worked!!!! Helps us check our radiology reports for errors.

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