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Hi there,
I have a macro and everything what is found is stored in a string, is it possible to filter out the exact doubles/triples etc so if 99 is found twice (or more) it is not stored (and processed for later use) twice (or more times)
It would help me a lot if you could help me with this.
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Well this should work i think, but how can i implement this in a macro  hock:
I mean in that topic you say 'create a member function' which i did but how can i tell my macro to process the data through this 'member function'?
I know i'm stupid
Thanks for your patience
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See EXAMPLE in the function. For example, if the text is stored in variable s, the code will be
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When i try this and i try to compile i get a errorcode 4 unknown member?
Is there a certain place to store these 'member functions' is it possible to give an example of code with a member function which is used and called?
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did you name the member function "RemoveDuplicateLines"
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Its name must be str.RemoveDuplicateLines
It can be anywhere.
The variable where the text is stored must be of type str.
str s
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I Called it RemoveDuplicateLines and the code i copy/pasted:
function [flags] ;;flags: 1 case insensitive
;str s=
if(!this.end("[]")) this+"[]"
str s ss
int i j
for i 0 1000000000
,j=s.getl(this i)
,if(j<0) break
,ss.from("[]" s "[]")
,this.findreplace(ss "[]" 8|(flags&1) "" j+s.len)
Something wrong with the procedure?
I placed the member function in the folder in which my macro also is.....
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in your macro, when you type your string variable (eg TestVar) and hit the "." can you see it at the bottom of the list that popsup?
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that means you didn't make it a member function correctly
did you put "str." in front of the "RemoveDuplicateLines" part?
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At first i did, later i changed the name several times. Now i made it again and created a new member function named RemoveDuplicateLines without str. in front of it.
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it has to have the "str." in front.
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I don't get it,
I created a new one simular to the first one and it works now...
KEN thanks for your help, i'm very greatfull
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the name of the new member function has to be "str.RemoveDuplicateLines"
that first part tells qm what type of var can use the function ie strings not integers.
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After a few days i had the time to try it but it didn't work, i think it is my stupidity or something what i simply don't understand but i do a findrx over a piece of text with something like this:
findrx(s "(10|20|25)(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}" 0 4 a)
the result is
And with this i do a test for each ip so if there are doubles/triples it is inefficient..
And doesn't give something the member function can split, my questions are:
- is it possible to exclude doubles from the result or
- filter the doubles from this result in a decent way?
Thanks for your time in advance
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it would be easier if you could put each of the ips into their own row.
can you do that by adding a "[]" to the string after you put the ip into it?
04/03/2007 12:53:09 PM
also, you can put this into an ARRAY to deal with it as well.
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Don't know what you mean, i would like to if it helps but if i have a simple list like
and i search it with the findrx i see in the output field of qm
so if its possible to separate them by adding a [] then the member function will be able to search and clear i think...
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oh, if your ip are already in list form (one on each line) then just use the string function "RemoveDuplicateLines".
out _s
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That was just an example, most of the time i extract it from a piece of text and it is not like the example....
So if there is a possibility to store it like this and then the RemoveDuplicateLines it would be fine to me
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is there anyway you can do a search/replace to put in a "[]" before you do the rx find? then you can do a rx dump into an Array and then dump the Array into a string.
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I think if i do that it wil destroy my endresult, when i use a header for instance, i clean it up for further usage... So if i place [] in it, it will destroy the layout of the result....
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you could put it back into the "oneline" mode afterwards with a quick "findreplace".
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OK, I'll give it a try in a couple of hours..
Thanks for your time ! :!:
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Hi there,
I'm trying out now to replace ip with ip+[] but can't get it done. I seem to do something wrong:
s.replacerx(".+?(\d{1,3}){4}" ".+?(\d{1,3}){3}[]" 4)
First one seems to be replaced but rest is left alone
Any ideas?
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4 is "single replacement"
take that flag off and it should work.
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Thx Ken for your help, i've managed it finaly!
Your pathience was wonderfull!