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Wait for text to be displayed in MSN Messenger Chat Box

Is there a way to have QM wait for an MSN Messenger chat box to popup, then perform an action if certain text is displayed?


Help help... Happy paying customer here in need of a little help please :-)

Perhaps the question was too general... I'll be a bit more specific.

That part that's tripping me up is the wait part. I'm able to work through everything prior to, and then following that point. I'm just not exactly sure if QM is capable of recognizing if and when a specific word or phrase is displayed.

Example: Customer of mine types "Product details needed, part number: xyz". I'd like QM to recognize the "Product details needed" portion, jump to life, copy the xyz portion of the part number, and use it as a variable when running a macro I already created for gathering the necessary product info, ultimately pasting it into the chat box providing my customer with the info they desire.

Am I making any sense, does anybody understand what I'm trying to accomplish?

Thanks in advance for the feedback!
detecting instant messages

This is with Yahoo Messenger 7 but may be helpful. I don't have MSN messenger to see if it would be similar. Also may not work with newer YM versions.
I imagine it would be much of the same... if not same method and such.

Thank you for the info!
I tried to get the download you provided to work with the new version of yahoo, but I haven't had any success.

If somebody could just give me a hint or two as to how I can get QM to wait for certain text to be displayed in an instant message window, I should be able to figure things out from there.

I guess maybe the problem is I still have a lot to learn with QM, it's a great program that has helped me in many situations, but I'm far from being fluent in the programing.

Change window class in YM_Trigger trigger from "IMClass" to "YSearchMenuWndClass". Also change it in code.

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