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How 2 read information on a file
i am trying 2 read info from a file and compare the info on that file with some text i am getting just not sure how 2 get the text information from a file without opening it.
str s2.getfile("c:\test.txt") ... RINGS.html
ok sorry had the code rihgt just had a space on the file that was messing it up
ok have another question
can't seem 2 solve this 1
i am using this code
str a b
b.getwintext(win("window name" "window class")); err
b.setfile("$Desktop$\test\test.txt" -1 -1 1)
it works but it seems 2 be adding hidden characters
so when i try using this code 2 read it if there is more than 1 line nothing happens
int hwnd=val(_command)
str a b
b.getwintext(hwnd); err
out a
out b
if b=a
clo TriggerWindow; err
it shows what is in the file but it seems there is hidden characters because there is a space
setfile adds new line if used with flag 1. Read setfile documentation in QM help.
ok this is what i am trying 2 do.
the file will have mutliple entries on it i want the macro 2 check the file and see if an entry matches the current window.but when it has more than 1 entry it doesn't respond
sounds like you need to do a 'find' for b in a. if that value (an integer) in greater than -1 then it is in a.
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
never did that can u give an example.
you can start here.

it's the 'i' that you would check the value of.
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
not sure how 2 implement that it show how 2 convert it 2 a number
ok maybe i didn't explain it all the way
i ahve a macro that is trigger by a window text,what i want it 2 do is check a file and see if the text matches and if it does do an action. i can make the file add text 2 the file but can't seem 2 get it 2 match when there is more than 1 entry in the file
Using find is OK. Another way - enumerate lines in the file.

str s
foreach s a
,if b=s
,,clo TriggerWindow
ok thank u very much that did it

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