05-01-2008, 02:27 PM
You can use this function to easily find shortcuts with hotkeys.
Function EnumShortcutsInFolder
Function EnumShortcutsInFolder
function $folder [flags] ;;flags: 1 include subfolders, 2 only qm shortuts, 4 only with hotkeys
;Displays parameters (target, hotkey, etc) of all shortcuts in the folder.
;;QM shortcuts on desktop
;EnumShortcutsInFolder "$desktop$" 2
;EnumShortcutsInFolder "$common desktop$" 2
;;all shortcuts with hotkeys in start menu and submenus
;EnumShortcutsInFolder "$start menu$" 1|4
;EnumShortcutsInFolder "$common start menu$" 1|4
str s sf.from(folder "\*.lnk") sq.from(_qmdir "qm*.exe") hk
Dir d
foreach(d sf FE_Dir iif(flags&1 0x4 0))
,str sPath=d.FileName(1)
,if(!GetShortcutInfoEx(sPath &si)) continue
,if(flags&2 and !matchw(si.target sq 1)) continue
,if(flags&4 and !si.hotkey) continue
,out sPath
,s.getstruct(si 1)
,hk=""; FormatKeyString si.hotkey&255 si.hotkey>>8&7 &hk; s.replacerx("(?m)(?<=^hotkey )\w+" hk)
,s.replacerx("(?m)^" "[9]")
,out s