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One macro 2 toolbars
i look for the best way to trigger 2 toolbars.

Trigger !a"EMIS - CRM (Easy Marketing Information System), DB: Zentrale" "ThunderRT6FormDC"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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int hwnd=val(_command)
int chwnd=child("" "SSActiveTabsWndClass" hwnd 0x1)
int oben_hwnd=child("" "SSPanelWndClass" hwnd 0x1)
int unten_hwnd=child("" "SSPanelWndClass" hwnd 0x1)

int cx cy cw ch; GetWinXY chwnd cx cy cw ch
int ox oy ow oh; GetWinXY oben_hwnd ox oy ow oh
int ux uy ucx ucy; GetWinXY unten_hwnd ux uy ucx ucy

int vhwnd = mac("crm_visitenkarten" hwnd)
MoveWindow vhwnd cx oy+oh cw cy-(oy+oh) 1

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