12-14-2008, 11:01 PM
I have found away to get around this until Gint does add this, i used this in the past for things. I'm pretty sure it will still work.
Function Func
Function Func
opt err 1
Acc a=acc("Reply to topic" "GRAPHIC" win("Quick Macros Forum • View topic - Acc triggers - Windows Internet Explorer" "IEFrame") "Internet Explorer_Server" "" 0x1001)
;; you can make the Acc anything that you are wanting to trigger a macro
;; then run this in
;; when it is found it will continue to after teh if statement.
;; if not found it keeps looking until found
;; it's about the same as a trigger just a loop inside a func
if(!a.a) goto top
out "found" ;;add your code from here on.