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Business Days...
Changed the example too...

Function IsTodayHoliday
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function DATE&d
;Returns 1 if today is a holiday (Sunday, Saturday, etc), 0 if not.
;Uses "$my qm$\nbd.ini" that is created using macro "Create Holidays File". Error if the file does not exist.

;DATE d="12/25/09"
;if IsTodayHoliday(d)
,;out "Holiday"

str inifile="$my qm$\nbd.ini"
if(!dir(inifile)) mes- "File not found:[]%s[][]Read macro 'Create Holidays File'." "" "x" inifile

str s1 s2(st.wDay) s3.format("%i-%i" st.wYear st.wMonth)
ret rget(s1 s2 s3 inifile)

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