04-02-2009, 02:27 PM
The timeout options don't work, that is why I used another thread.
The options probably should be set on the hi variable that is in Http.Post. It is not a member variable and you cannot set options on it with a member function. Copy Http.Post and edit.
__HInternet hi=HttpOpenRequest(m_hi "POST" action 0 0 0 INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD|inetflags 0); if(!hi) ret Error
Member function Http.Post2
Not tested.
The options probably should be set on the hi variable that is in Http.Post. It is not a member variable and you cannot set options on it with a member function. Copy Http.Post and edit.
__HInternet hi=HttpOpenRequest(m_hi "POST" action 0 0 0 INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD|inetflags 0); if(!hi) ret Error
Member function Http.Post2
int option(10) optionlen(4); if(!InternetSetOption(hi INTERNET_OPTION_MAX_CONNS_PER_SERVER &option &optionlen)) ret Error
Not tested.