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Capture image of window with scrolling
Function CaptureRect

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function# x y wid hei [$saveToBmpFile] [&getHbitmap]

;Captures a rectangle region on the screen.
;Can save the captured bitmap to a bmp file, or get bitmap handle, or store to the clipboard.
;If saveToBmpFile and getHbitmap not used, stores to the clipboard.
;Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure.

;x, y, wid, hei - rectangle coordinates.
;saveToBmpFile - will save to this bmp file. Use "" if don't want to save.
;getHbitmap - int variable that receives bitmap handle. Use 0 if not needed. Later call DeleteObject.

;CaptureRect 100 100 200 200

#if QMVER<0x02020000
dll gdi32
,#CreateCompatibleBitmap hDC nWidth nHeight
,#BitBlt hDestDC x y nWidth nHeight hSrcDC xSrc ySrc dwRop
dll user32
,#OpenClipboard hWnd
,#SetClipboardData wFormat hMem
def SRCCOPY          0xCC0020

int dcs=GetDC(0) ;;get screen device context
int dc=CreateCompatibleDC(0) ;;create memory device context
int bm=CreateCompatibleBitmap(dcs wid hei) ;;create bitmap
int oldbm=SelectObject(dc bm) ;;select it into the memory dc
BitBlt(dc 0 0 wid hei dcs x y SRCCOPY) ;;copy from screen dc to memory dc

int r(1) action

if(len(saveToBmpFile)) ;;save
,r=SaveBitmap(bm saveToBmpFile)
if(&getHbitmap and r) ;;get HBITMAP
if(!action) ;;store to the clipboard
,,r=SetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP bm)!0

;release memory
ReleaseDC(0 dcs)
SelectObject(dc oldbm)
if(action&2=0) DeleteObject(bm)

ret r

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