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HardQuestionPossibly ?!
Alright that wasnt quite what i was expecting to see as a code but im willing to know and understand on how to accomplish this!

Alright, so far i got this as the Main Dialog i've made to work with the code you gave me! Well attempted at that!

ViaComp ( Is the main Dialog Name to it )

function# hDlg message wParam lParam
if(hDlg) goto messages
str controls = "3 4"
str e3 e4
if(!ShowDialog("ViaComp" &ViaComp &controls)) ret

0 "" 0x90C80A44 0x100 0 0 223 94 "-ViaComp-"
2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 144 56 64 24 "Cancel"
3 Edit 0x54070080 0x200 24 14 96 14 ""
7 Button 0x54032000 0x0 144 8 64 24 "Start"
4 Edit 0x54070080 0x200 24 60 96 14 ""
12 Static 0x54000011 0x20000 192 26 1 40 ""
11 Static 0x54000011 0x20000 62 16 1 53 ""
10 Static 0x54000010 0x20000 74 66 92 1 ""
9 Static 0x54000010 0x20000 70 20 92 2 ""
8 Static 0x54000011 0x20000 160 24 1 39 ""
6 Button 0x54020007 0x0 14 46 118 36 "Last Name:"
5 Button 0x54020007 0x0 14 2 118 36 "Name:"
DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x203000D "" "" ""

sel message
case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
case 7
mac "ViaEmail"
ret 1

ViaEmail ( Is the mac "ViaEmail" name )

str Name="Oranges"
str Last_Name="Apples"
;format text
str s.format("Name: %s[]Last Name: %s[]" Name Last_Name)
;the following inserted by the dialog
_s=s; _s.escape(9)
run _s.from("mailtoConfused[email protected]?subject=hello" "&body=" _s)

I can subsquently get the variables from the " Name and Lastname " to where i want them but when to have them sent in an email, im stumped on how to write it!

Where it says, ' Name: ' Im trying to have what ever is written in there and what ever is written in ' Lastname: ' having them sent automatically ONCE you click the " Start " button!

I noticed the code you gave me, opens " Outlook Express ". I forgot to mention that instead of using something visible like that! What im trying to make is something that is not visible BUT is still sends the info in the email of what ever is written in " Name & Lastname variables ".

I just need some help because this is alittle more advanced than i was reckoning for. lol

I thank you so much for taking your time to read and help me! Thank You !!

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