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Make window active
have you tried the command "act"? If you do set up a macro to run at startup, you may need to include some sort of wait command to ensure that it only occurs when the window exists. If it is a button, I would suggest using accessible objects (found in the toolbar, click the window->Accessible Object Actions->Drag it to the button that needs to be clicked->use DoDefaultAction for this variable, this does not require the window is active)

act should work, if not possibly a combination of two or more of these
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int hwnd = win("Notepad")
act hwnd ;;activate
;ont hwnd ;;make it always on top
;res hwnd ;;unminimize
;wait 0 WC "Notepad" ;;wait for window created
;wait 0 WA "Notepad" ;;wait for window active
;wait 0 WV "Notepad" ;;wait for window visible

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