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Hide titlebar of any window
Toolbar tb move owner
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;/hook "tb_move_owner"

Function tb_move_owner
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function# hWnd message wParam lParam

sel message
,case WM_INITDIALOG ;;note: in QM < 2.2.0, this message is not sent. Use WM_CREATE instead.
,case WM_MOVE
,RECT r; GetWindowRect hWnd &r
,int ho=GetToolbarOwner(hWnd)
,mov r.left r.bottom ho
,;;or this
,;WINDOWPOS* wp=+lParam
,;if(wp.flags&SWP_NOMOVE) ret
,;RECT r; GetWindowRect hWnd &r
,;int ho=GetToolbarOwner(hWnd)
,;mov r.left r.bottom ho

This is little tested. Need to test how works when the window is max, min, etc. If window disappears sometimes, try to uncheck "Follow Owner" in tb menu.

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