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Price change
Macro Macro1278
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;/exe 1

;The /exe 1 tells to run in separate process. It is needed on Vista/7, if UAC is on.
;Warning: When Excel sheet changed in this way, you cannot Undo. You should backup your workbook file or sheet.

;define prices
type PRICERANGE ^maxPrice ^percentAdd
&p=ap[]; p.maxPrice=2.5; p.percentAdd=20 ;;0 - 2.5
&p=ap[]; p.maxPrice=10; p.percentAdd=18 ;;2.51 - 10
&p=ap[]; p.maxPrice=20; p.percentAdd=15 ;;10.01 - 20
&p=ap[]; p.maxPrice=0; p.percentAdd=11 ;;20.01 - oo
;You can change the above values.
;You can add more price ranges, or delete some. Prices must be in ascending order. The last price is not used and can be 0.

;connect to current Excel sheet and get all cells
ExcelSheet es.Init
ARRAY(str) a

;enumerate cells
int c r i
for r 0 a.len(2) ;;for each row
,for c 0 a.len(1) ;;for each column
,,;here you can insert code to skip some columns. Example: sel(c) case [1,2] case else continue ;;skips columns other than B and C
,,str& s=a[c r] ;;cell
,,;out s
,,if(findrx(s "^[\d,]+(\.\d{1,3})?$")<0) continue ;;is it currency format?
,,double d=val(s 2) ;;need to convert to a numeric type to do calculations
,,;out d
,,for(i 0 ap.len-1) if(d<=ap[i].maxPrice) break ;;find range
,,d+d*ap[i].percentAdd/100 ;;add %
,,d=Round(d 2) ;;max 2 digits after .
,,es.SetCell(d c+1 r+1) ;;replace cell

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