11-26-2009, 06:36 AM
You should follow Gintaras' advice: (here's how to
As for what you have:
'W{} = Windows key
'Z = Escape key
'CAi = Control + Alt + i
so this really doesn't do anything...what do you want it to do?
If you need to run the program...
I've had pretty good results with "but" and would recommend trying that too:
I cannot tell from you example what your button id is, I think it may be "5"
- In QM, in the window where the names of all your functions and macros are displayed (id 2202)
Click on the function you are working with.
Then right click and select "Properties" or just key Ctrl+P
In the properties make sure you are on the "Trigger" tab.
Expand the "Window" section
Select the appropriate trigger type.
Drag the QM target to the window...or fill in the window information manually
Select "Ok"
When prompted "Insert code to receive window handle" select YES.
As for what you have:
'W{} = Windows key
'Z = Escape key
'CAi = Control + Alt + i
so this really doesn't do anything...what do you want it to do?
If you need to run the program...
run "Connect PCCW.exe" ;; or whatever exe is called
wait 0 WC "Connect PCCW" ;;wait for window created
Acc a=acc("Connect" "PUSHBUTTON" win("Connect PCCW" "#32770") "Button" "" 0x1001);;define the button
a.DoDefaultAction;; click the button.
I've had pretty good results with "but" and would recommend trying that too:
I cannot tell from you example what your button id is, I think it may be "5"