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Searching color from images
Examples with GDI+.
Does not require external components, just import GDI+.qml from GDI+
Need it to save/load png.

Macro capture image and save in png format, using GDI+
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str sFile="$desktop$\qm test png gdip.png"


;capture to memory
__GdiHandle hb
CaptureImageOnScreen(0 0 ScreenWidth ScreenHeight "" hb)

;save as png
#compile "__Gdip"
GdipBitmap im
if(!im.FromHBITMAP(hb)) end "error"
if(!im.Save(sFile)) end "error"


;show the image
run sFile

;GDI+ may be unavailable on Windows 2000.
;Png file created with GDI+ is 33% bigger than with GflAx.

Macro get color from png file, using GDI+
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;file, pixel
str sFile="$desktop$\qm test png gdip.png"
;int x(8) y(100)
int x(xm) y(ym) ;;from mouse


;open file
#compile "__Gdip"
GdipBitmap im
if(!im.FromFile(sFile)) end "error"

;get pixel color
int color
GDIP.GdipBitmapGetPixel(+im x y &color)
color=ColorToARGB(color 0) ;;0xAARRGGBB to 0xBBGGRR
out "0x%06X" color

Macro find color or image in png file, using GDI+
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;file, pixel
str sFile="$desktop$\qm test png.png"
;int color=0xFFE0C0
int color=pixel(xm ym) ;;color from mouse


;open file
#compile "__Gdip"
GdipBitmap im
if(!im.FromFile(sFile)) end "error"

;get bitmap handle
__GdiHandle hb=im.GetHBITMAP

;find color in bitmap (in memory)
if scan(F"color:{color}" hb r 0x280)
,out "color 0x%06X found at x=%i y=%i" color r.left
else out "not found"

;to find image: if scan("file.bmp" hb r 0x280)

Member function GdipBitmap.FromHBITMAP
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function'GDIP.GpBitmap* hBitmap [hPalette]

;Create this bitmap from GDI bitmap.

if(!GdipInit) ret

_hresult=GDIP.GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hBitmap hPalette +&m_i)
ret +m_i

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