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Wait for a file in directory
If you download it with IntGetFile from other thread, you can use global variable.

int+ g_downloaded=0
IntGetFile ...

in other thread wait until g_downloaded is 1.
int+ g_downloaded
wait 0 V g_downloaded


This is more universal code. Works with files downloaded with QM, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.

Function wait_file
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str s="D:\downloads\quickmac.exe"

Dir d
,if d.dir(s) and d.FileSize
,,__HFile f.Create(s OPEN_EXISTING 0 FILE_SHARE_READ); err
,,if(f) f.Close; break

mes "downloaded"

;info: the d.FileSize is for Firefox, which at first creates empty file, then downloads to other file...

Macro Macro1446
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str s="D:\downloads\quickmac.exe"
IntGetFile "" s 16

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