09-15-2010, 06:44 PM
This macro speaks selected text. You can control it with hotkeys.
Requires QM 2.3.2 or later.
How to use:
Select one or more sentences of text in web browser or other app.
Press Ctrl+Shift+S and listen.
The thread ends when it ends to speak the text. Or when you press End key. While running, shows tray icon.
Function SpeakSelection
This is similar, but uses OCR to get text.
Function SpeakSelectionOCR
Also need this function.
Function SpeakTextWithHotKeys
Requires QM 2.3.2 or later.
How to use:
Select one or more sentences of text in web browser or other app.
Press Ctrl+Shift+S and listen.
The thread ends when it ends to speak the text. Or when you press End key. While running, shows tray icon.
Function SpeakSelection
;Speaks selected text.
;How to use: Select text and press Ctrl+Shift+S.
;You can use hot keys to control it. Shows them when called first time.
str s.getsel
SpeakTextWithHotKeys s -1
This is similar, but uses OCR to get text.
Function SpeakSelectionOCR
;Speaks selected text using OCR. Use this macro for text that cannot be normally selected, eg in some pdf documents.
;Requires MS Office. Uses Office's MODI component. If it is not installed, should install automatically.
;How to use: Press Ctrl+Alt+S and select text. To select text, draw rectangle with mouse.
;You can use hot keys to control it. Shows them when called first time.
;Capture image.
str f.expandpath("$temp$\speak_ocr.bmp")
if(!CaptureImageOrColor(0 16|32 0 f r)) ret
OnScreenRect 1 &r
typelib MODI {A5EDEDF4-2BBC-45F3-822B-E60C278A1A79} 11.0
MODI.Document doc._create
doc.Create(f) ;;load the file
doc.OCR(MODI.miLANG_ENGLISH -1 0); err OnScreenDisplay "OCR failed."; ret
MODI.Image im=doc.Images.Item(0) ;;first page
str s=im.Layout.Text
SpeakTextWithHotKeys s -1
OnScreenRect 2 &r
Also need this function.
Function SpeakTextWithHotKeys
function $text [rate] ;;rate: -10 to 10.
;Speaks text.
;You can use hot keys to control it. Shows them when called first time.
AddTrayIcon "sound.ico"
int+ __speak_sel_info2
str si=
;Hot keys:
;Left - repeat current sentence.
;Right - next sentence.
;Up - previous sentence.
;Down - pause/resume.
;End - end.
;Home - restart.
if(!__speak_sel_info2) __speak_sel_info2=1; mes si "" "i"
str s=text
if(!s.len) ret
s.findreplace("..." ".")
int paused
typelib __SpeechLib {C866CA3A-32F7-11D2-9602-00C04F8EE628} 5.0
__SpeechLib.SpVoice spv._create
if(_winnt>=6) waveOutSetVolume 0 0xffffffff ;;on Vista, this sets max wave out volume for qm only, because may be 0 initially
spv.Speak(s 1)
__RegisterHotKey k
k.Register(0 1 0 VK_LEFT)
k.Register(0 2 0 VK_RIGHT)
k.Register(0 3 0 VK_UP)
k.Register(0 4 0 VK_DOWN)
k.Register(0 5 0 VK_END)
k.Register(0 6 0 VK_HOME)
SetTimer(0 1 100 0)
,if(GetMessage(&m 0 0 0)<1) break
,sel m.message
,,case WM_HOTKEY
,,if(paused and m.wParam<=3) paused=0; spv.Resume
,,sel m.wParam
,,,case 1 spv.Skip("Sentence" 0)
,,,case 2 spv.Skip("Sentence" 1)
,,,case 3 spv.Skip("Sentence" -1)
,,,case 4 paused^1; if(paused) spv.Pause; else spv.Resume
,,,case 5 break
,,,case 6 spv.Speak(s 3)
,,err+ bee
,,case WM_TIMER
,,if(spv.Status.RunningState=SRSEDone) break