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Changing Line Spacing in ListBox
Hi Gintaras,
I am loving - stable and love being able to preload complex dialogs in the background flag 128 and bringing them forward immediately with act - huge difference for user!!!!
Quick question (I think): I want to increase the font on my listbox but when it gets more than 10 bold in Arial, the lines start clipping. How can I increase the line spacing as well?

Function SeriesPicker_MR_Brain_MonB
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,,__Font-- f
,,f.Create("Arial" 10 1)
,,f.SetDialogFont(hDlg "9")

I found this on the web but don't know how to convert it to QM: ... 19939092a/


ps - I also am loving: DT_ChangeMouseControlSize and
this little bit of code from listbox tooltips is flexibile for a lot of other cool interactions I am using with LB's
Function SeriesPicker_MR_Brain_MonB
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,,if GetDlgCtrlID(wParam)=9
,,,SendMessage id(9 hDlg) LB_SELITEMRANGE 0 100;;deselects all in  LB
,,,POINT p; xm p wParam 1
,,,_i=SendMessage(wParam LB_ITEMFROMPOINT 0 MakeInt(p.x p.y))
,,,out _i
,,,LB_SelectItem id(9 hDlg) _i 1;err

I use it in conjunction with WaitforKeyOrMouse also for a right click Drag-Pulldown release detector:

Function PickerDlg
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,,if GetDlgCtrlID(wParam)=9
,,,SendMessage id(9 hDlg) LB_SELITEMRANGE 0 100;;deselects all in  LB
,,,POINT p; xm p wParam 1
,,,_i=SendMessage(wParam LB_ITEMFROMPOINT 0 MakeInt(p.x p.y))
,,,out _i
,,,LB_SelectItem id(9 hDlg) _i 1;err
,,,int+ SelectedLbSeries = _i
,,,mac "RtCliCkReleaseTest"

Function RtCliCkReleaseTest
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if WaitForKeyOrMouse(1) = 517;;RMB up

thanks again!

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