07-05-2011, 02:14 PM
I was able to tweak the main macro to fit exactly what I need to save the files with specified names. It's a little gritty, but does the trick
Function IngGetCSV
Function IngGetCSV
function ~CSV
;str CSV=
ICsv v=CreateCsv()
for int'r 0 v.RowCount
,str s.addline(v.Cell(r 0))
str saveFolder="$temp$\temp download"
del- saveFolder;err
ARRAY(str) a
IntGetFileMultiProgress s saveFolder a 0x10000
Dir d
foreach(d F"{saveFolder}\*" FE_Dir)
,str sPath=d.FileName(1)
,str fName=d.FileName
,for r 0 v.RowCount
,,str uName.getfilename(v.Cell(r 0) 1)
,,if fName=uName
,,,cop sPath v.Cell(r 1)
del- saveFolder