08-29-2011, 06:14 AM
Function tooltip1
;Edit and run this function.
;To edit when already running, end "tooltip1" thread.
SetThreadPriority GetCurrentThread THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST
POINT p pp
,xm p
,if(!memcmp(&p &pp 8)) continue
,;out "mouse moved"
,int ttId=0; str ttText
,;----------- BEGIN EDIT --------------
,;Look where is mouse.
,;To show tooltip, set ttId (a unique nonzero number) and ttText.
,int w=win(mouse)
,Acc a=acc(mouse)
,if wintest(w "Quick Macros" "QM_Editor") and acctest(a "tooltip1" "OUTLINEITEM" w "id=2202 SysTreeView32")
,,ttText="'tooltip1' in QM list of macros"
,else if wintest(w "Notepad" "Notepad") and acctest(a "Edit" "MENUITEM" w "Notepad" "" 0x1)
,,ttText="menu item 'Edit' in Notepad"
,;----------- END EDIT --------------
,int pttId
,if(ttId=pttId) continue
,if(pttId) shutdown -6 0 "ShowTooltip"
,if(!ttId) continue
,;out ttText
,mac "ShowTooltip" "" ttText 30 p.x p.y ScreenWidth/2 1