12-21-2011, 11:13 AM
Macro Macro1620
function example
Function YourFunction
ExcelSheet es.Init("sheet1" 1|8|16 "D:\userdata\teste\Desktop\teste1.xls")
err goto [PREPARATION]
int r c nr nc ;;row, column, num rows, num cols
nr=es.NumRows(nc) ;;get number of rows and cols
ARRAY(str) a.createlb(nc 1) ;;cells of a row
str s ;;result
for r 1 nr+1 ;;for each row
,for(c 1 nc+1) es.GetCell(a[c] c r) ;;get cells of this row
,YourFunction r a s ;;pass a to your function, and let it store result in s
,es.SetCell(s nc+1 r) ;;set cell at the end of the row
function example
Function YourFunction