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SysTreeView32 ?
Hi Gintaras

On a similar dialog i would like to have a "check all" box.

The only way i was able to work out..

Function TvCheckAll
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function htv

Acc a=acc("" "CHECKBUTTON" htv)
if(!a.a) ret

act htv
,,key (VK_SPACE)
,a.Navigate("next"); err break

I dont know if the use of the key comand could cause problems if there are many items!? This is probably not the right way to do it but it works so far.

I wanted to ask if you could add flags to it?
like flag 0 (default) to uncheck all and flag 1 to check all.

I think flags are the right solution instead of having 1 function to check all items and 1 function to uncheck them...

Thank you for all you do even for "Hobby Coder" like me.

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