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Copy content's of one macro to the other and compile to exe
Thank you for your ansver but i have trouble understanding what i need to do here. I have around 18 bmp macros and 10funtions i thoth i could use like text files to store numerical and text values i work with in the macro (i did this so id avoid using a folder on my computerwith text files that do the same purpoce so when i export to exe id have one file that has all the things i need).
Where do i put the #exe addtextof "Macro1658.bmp" for each one? Do i just make a function containing a list of these with my macro bmp's and functions (=text files) or something else. Can i than use s.setmacro ("ITEM") comand or i need to change it too?
Thank you for your patience, im still green at this..

i just tried doing this:
Copy      Help
#exe addtextof "item1"
#exe addtextof "item2"

And i got:
Error in Function3: cannot be used in exe.
Cannot make exe. Error 4, failed to compile. And its pointing to the _s.setmacro

The content of the macro/function is the key. The way to copy contents from one to another. And the ability to compile to exe at the end. Maby there is another way to go about this that i dont know..

Exactly what i did: take contents from one macro.bmb / function (some text) store the contents into variable and than copy contents from a variable to the other macro.bmp / function. Variable playing an intermediary because i dont know a way to copy directly from one macro to the other or function to another. If there just culd be a way to somehow dont use the variable and dont use expresion "setmacro" than maby it would work..
Any ideas?

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