08-09-2012, 12:09 AM
I edit fiction manuscripts and, while some publishers allow MS Word's Track Changes, others want in-line editing:
She almost felt dizzy at [delete ‘at’ replace with ‘from’] the flood of relief that [delete ‘that’] humans were not involved, but they had been [delete ‘had been’ replace with ‘were’] a target.
Using QM, I select a word or more than one and a macro copies the word or phrase, prompts me for the replacement and then writes what you see above. After QM macro finishes, I would like QM to be able to select all the text between and including the brackets [some text here].
Once selected, I can color the selected text red. One small caveat. After QM completes and I have: [delete ‘at’ replace with ‘from’], the cursor is on the right side, so I need to select from where I am, left to wherever the opening bracket is: [
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
She almost felt dizzy at [delete ‘at’ replace with ‘from’] the flood of relief that [delete ‘that’] humans were not involved, but they had been [delete ‘had been’ replace with ‘were’] a target.
Using QM, I select a word or more than one and a macro copies the word or phrase, prompts me for the replacement and then writes what you see above. After QM macro finishes, I would like QM to be able to select all the text between and including the brackets [some text here].
Once selected, I can color the selected text red. One small caveat. After QM completes and I have: [delete ‘at’ replace with ‘from’], the cursor is on the right side, so I need to select from where I am, left to wherever the opening bracket is: [
Any help would be greatly appreciated.