09-06-2012, 08:07 AM
Member function Htm.GetLinks_
function [flags] [ARRAY(str)&aURL] [ARRAY(str)&aText] [ARRAY(MSHTML.IHTMLElement)&aElem] ;;flags: 0 inner links, 1 all links, 2 itself is link
;Gets links.
;;;0 get links that are inside this element (except from inner frames/iframes).
;;;1 get all links in element's container document (which may be frame/iframe).
;;;2 get properties of this element (it should be a link).
;aURL - receives href attribute of links. It is full URL, not relative as in HTML source. Can be 0 if you dont need it.
;aText - receives text of links. Can be 0 if you dont need it.
;aElem - receives COM interface of links. You can call its functions to get URL, text and other attributes. Can be 0 if you dont need it.
;int w=win("Windows Internet Explorer" "IEFrame")
;Htm e=htm("BODY" "" "" w "" 0 0x20)
;ARRAY(str) a at; int i
;e.GetLinks_(1 a at)
;for i 0 a.len
,;out F"{at[i]%%-35s} {a[i]}"
if(!el) end ERR_INIT
if(&aURL) aURL=0
if(&aText) aText=0
if(&aElem) aElem=0
MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection links
MSHTML.IHTMLElement link
int src=flags&3
sel src
,case 0 links=el.all.tags("A") ;;info: gets <a> without href
,case 1 links=el.document.links ;;info: does not get <a> without href
,case 2 link=el; goto g1
,case 3 end "flag 3"
foreach link links
,str href
,if &aURL or src!1
,,href=link.getAttribute("href" 0); err continue
,,if(!href.len) continue
,if(&aURL) aURL[]=href
,if(&aText) aText[]=link.innerText; err aText[]=_s
,if(&aElem) aElem[]=link
err+ end _error
;note: tried to add flag 3 to get links from selection, but it is difficult and unreliable, works not with all pages.