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Using text sensitive menus not functioning right
I am new here and have just started using QM. I have seen quite much on help .chm file and online help - and have made some macros. but am getting some problems.

I was earlier using autohotkey and it served me well, but the speed of typing long sentences - autoreplace - is giving me some slow speeds. it takes quite some time to type the long sentence which is autoreplaced by the hotstring.

Now using quickmacros I have made this text sensitive menu macro -


That when I type uu6 it should replace with some large text. But the macro works some times outputting the correct text and most of times it just does this - types " v " and copies the text I wanted to put into the clipboard. sometimes it pastes the clipboard even.

Heres the macro --

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U6 :"[][][][]QMC[][][][]   ++================================++[][][][][][][][][]"


Also i would like to use more larger autoreplaced texts too. - BY NOT PASTING THE TEXT but typing the text.
So is there any way I can accelerate the speed of typing text (autoreplaced text by a text sensitive menu macro) to be very fast - but accurate too as well.

For eg. in this macro which takes too much time -

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GTRY1 :'"Right-click on the link and select copy link location. This will place the Link's URL into the clipboard. Now you can paste the URL  into the browser's location area, and hit the Enter key on the keyboard. Right-click on the link and select add bookmark Now you can select the link from the bookmark listing. I've also noticed that a referring URL does not seem to be passed along when the referring web page is based on your computer. You may want to take the web page, and save as to your hard disk.  In the process, you can also rename the page to something generic like:  .html."

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