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Free Drawing with OnScreenDraw for telestrator function
Hi Gintaras,
I am trying to use the On-screendraw functions to make a small telestrator program. But it only works if I move really slow because of the absolute time difference between when the position is sampled and flickers a lot. I realize that a better way would be to gather all the positions that the mouse goes through and then "paint" those positions but not really sure how to do this. Any ideas?
Thanks, S

Macro OSD FreeDraw
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int color=ColorFromRGB(255 0 0)
POINT p1 p2 p3 pp
xm p1; pp=p1
int h m
,ifk((1)) m=1; else if(m) break
,xm p2
,OnScreenDraw(p2.x p2.y 20 20 &OSD_Proc_Red_Light 0 210)
,xm p3
,OnScreenDraw(p3.x p3.y 20 20 &OSD_Proc_Red_Light 0 210)
,if(!memcmp(&pp &p2 sizeof(POINT))) continue

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