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Free Drawing with OnScreenDraw for telestrator function
I tried rewriting it as you suggested but still getting spotty instead of continuous tracing.
Here is my current latest version: Note: Win-T triggers, then press t to cause trace with mouse movement (telestrator) and then double click t to erase. Can press and release t to make multiple tracings before double clicking to clear/end function

Function Telestrator
Trigger Wt     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
Copy      Help
int color=ColorFromRGB(255 0 0)
POINT p1 p2 p3 pp
xm p1; pp=p1
int h m
,,wait 0.1 K t
,,,,ifk(t) m=1; else if(m) break
,,,,xm p2
,,,,h = OnScreenDraw(p2.x p2.y 10 10 &OSD_Proc_Red_Light 0 210 h)
,,,,if(!memcmp(&pp &p2 sizeof(POINT))) continue
,,wait 0.4 KF t;err continue

II think for smoother tracing, I will need to get the exact coordinates that the mouse cursor went through and then paint them sequentially. This seems like it should be possible through GetMouseMovePointsEx but don't know how to implement in QM. I am looking at

but not successful yet at converting msdn stuff into QM.

Any thoughts?

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