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Closing a launched window
If i use a run statement like:

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int h = run("cmd.exe" "%comspec% /k ''C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat'' x86 && cd\ && cd Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC" "" "" 0x800);

How do I close that window when I am done. It is most likely not going to be the active window, as I will have moved onto doing other things.

I have tried flavors of the following (some of these might only work with a handle, which I also tried by doing __Handle h = run(....)):

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;;act h ;;for testing
clo id(h "cmd")
    ;;PostMessage h WM_SYSCOMMAND SC_CLOSE 0
    ;;PostMessage h WM_CLOSE 0 0

When it is an int variable set for "run", is that the ID? Please advise on this scenario.

Thank you

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