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OutVar not working in Exe
Hi Gintaras,

I can't say I wasn't warned Big Grin as you were very clear in your documentation that this wouldn't work in exe. I think this must have something to do with the 'Statement' function. But just wondering why it can't be made exe compatible. Is there another way of writing the Statement line or more generally, is there no way of getting out the name of a string and handling it as a string in QM. Thanks S
(also thanks for all the great work with qm 3.5 !!!)

Function OutVar
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function str'variable

;Shows variable name and value in QM output.
;Unavailable in exe.

;str s="test str"
;RECT r; r.bottom=888888
;OutVar s
;OutVar r.bottom

str s
if(Statement(1 0 &s)>=0 and s.beg("OutVar"))
,s.remove(0 7)
,int n = s.len -1
,s.remove(n 1)
,out "%s = %s" s variable
else out variable

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